Adastra quick start

How to ask for help

You can always ask you questions at We recommend that you follow the “asking for help” tips listed in this document.

Registering an account

We recommend that you follow this document. In case you want to submit a new research project instead of simply joining an already existing one, things can get more involved and we recommend that you contact your Comité Thématique (CT) representative.

Connecting to Adastra

We will refer to <login> as the username used to log on Adastra.

  • If you are running Windows, launch an SSH client (like PuTTy) and connect to the Adastra address: In Putty’s settings: Connection/SSH/X11 check the Enable X11 forwarding box.

  • If you are on Linux, open a terminal, and connect to Adastra like so:

$ ssh -X <login>

Your terminal’s working directory now points to your home directory and you can now enter commands which will execute on a login node. On Adastra you will find login nodes on which you are to compile and submit tasks to the hundreds of compute nodes. The way a user can be attached to multiple project (DARI allocation) is handled using the concept of login unique.

More details in:

Transferring sources to Adastra

If possible, use something like Gitlab or Github.

If the IP address of your Git repository is not authorized by Adastra’s firewall, you may ask to fix that for you. Else:

  • Under Windows: use an SFTP solution such as FileZilla.

  • Under Unix like, you can use FileZilla or the following command:

me@lab:~$ scp -r local_dir <login>

More details in:

The module environment

Adastra uses modules to expose softwares. If you want to use prebuilt simulation software please refer to these documents Using a spack product, Simulation softwares and CINES Spack module catalog.

If you want to compile your own code, you might benefit from reading theses documents: CrayPE basics, Libraries & toolchains

A typical environment for the GENOA (CPU) partition looks like that:

$ module purge
$ # A CrayPE environment version
$ module load cpe/23.12
$ # An architecture
$ module load craype-x86-genoa
$ # A compiler to target the architecture
$ module load PrgEnv-cray

Compiling code

For CPU compilations, we recommend PrgEnv-gnu.

For GPU compilations, we recommend one of PrgEnv-amd or potentially PrgEnv-gnu with rocm. For OpenACC GPU you should use PrgEnv-cray.

Assuming the environment above (for the GENOA partition), you would compile a hello world program like so:

#include <mpi.h>

#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
    ::MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

    std::cout << "Hello world\n";


    return 0;
$ CC -O3 -Wall hello_world.cpp -o hello_world


The MPI library is implicitly linked.

Example compilation using CMake are given here in CMake examples.

More details in:

Running a compute task

Assuming the build above, you could submit a task onto the GENOA partition, using SLURM:

$ srun --account=<account_to_charge> \
      --job-name="hello_world" \
      --constraint=GENOA \
      --nodes=1 \
      --exclusive \
      --time=1:00:00 \
      --ntasks-per-node=24 \
      --cpus-per-task=8 \
      -- ./hello_world
srun: job 548214 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 548214 has been allocated resources
Hello world
Hello world
Hello world
Hello world


Here we use srun as shortcut for allocating and submitting work. This is but an example, not the recommend way. In practice you should use proper batch scripts.


The scratch storage area is cleaned up of old file on a regular basis.

More details in:

Submitting a task

When running real world cases, we prefer using the concept of scheduled job. It consist in specifying, in a script, a list of statements to execute at a later time, when the compute resources are available. The above mentioned srun command would be expressed in a file named like so:

#SBATCH --account=<account_to_charge>
#SBATCH --job-name="hello_world"
#SBATCH --constraint=GENOA
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00

srun --ntasks-per-node=24 --cpus-per-task=8 -- ./hello_world

You can schedule the task for later execution like so:

$ sbatch